Every Friday you will get a 5 min nugget. Picked from influential doers (in their own words) who took the time to share their wisdom with the world!
Plus, I add a visual to make the nugget more clear and memorable. And also a little reflection!
He is the image of the invisible God. These articles are attempts to discern his image in the world. It's also the title of my novel about high life and low deeds in Sydney: https://www.amazon.com/Prince-Among-Men-Novel/dp/1736739190/
Just an ordinary human being finding meaning in the smallest details of everyday life.
Alvin who is a software engineer writes a weekly deep dive into a seemingly mundane idea for a more meaningful life.
Tons of good lessons on more than just software.
Deep dives into succeeding as a PM, product leadership, and how to get your next PM job.
Rivals expensive and paid newsletters like Stratechery, but its free! You will love the deep dives into various product focused companies, product leaders, and of course into various successful products.
Career, Business, Writing and Life advice for Engineers, Tech Leads, and Engineering Managers Based on my firsthand experiences in Tech, ByteSizedBets is your go-to source for insights on career growth, and making strategic moves in the tech.