You inspired me to start writing online. I didnt realize how good it would feel to add to the conversation. Also, that Ben Affleck meme made me laugh out loud in public 😂

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I started “rocking the boat” with my newsletter last year, and I’m happy about what I did.

It started as a way for me to write things that don't fit my tech blog - that I still enjoy writing - and a way to share my side of the social media story, the traps, the growth hacks, and how they add up to a big fat nothing.

And it turned into one of my favorite things to do.

The discovery of Substack was a breakthrough in how I consume content in an era where even some paid Medium publications are ChatGPT articles.

Thanks Louie!

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Louie -- yours is always a fun one! I'm basically counting on you for the memes now haha. That work history...wow.

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