“Warren Buffet said that if others know your secrets and still can't easily copy you, that's a moat.” -- the best and simplest definition of them all. Right on the money. Great piece, Louie. And I really look forward to your newsletter workshop (signed in the other day).
I used to think about no of attention in public speaking.: then via online i defeat strategy of convince my mind that it’s a vacuum that I’m speaking to.. maybe some random stranger will interact with me.. if I know the response I know.. if not .. no..
wow that is awesome. congrats on the enthusiastic response to your new co-venture. It’s an awesome theme! I’m in too!
Thank you Rick! Very glad to have you in there my friend.
“Warren Buffet said that if others know your secrets and still can't easily copy you, that's a moat.” -- the best and simplest definition of them all. Right on the money. Great piece, Louie. And I really look forward to your newsletter workshop (signed in the other day).
I used to think about no of attention in public speaking.: then via online i defeat strategy of convince my mind that it’s a vacuum that I’m speaking to.. maybe some random stranger will interact with me.. if I know the response I know.. if not .. no..