I think there’s another important layer to risk that’s not talked about often:

Risk is multi-dimensional.

We often think of risk along one plane (e.g. money, career success), but forget the many other risks we take by pursuing a certain path. Paths not taken or prioritized get pushed into the rear view mirror.

For example, I’m sure when you left your corporate gig for entrepreneurship, it was more than only the risk/reward of the money.

Maybe it was risky along one plane (money), but far less risky across others (fulfillment, autonomy, etc.).

(this is also why these decisions are hard to make exclusively via spreadsheet… to many data points)

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Great post on risk taking - and the best books about taking risks. I've read some of these but I'd like to read the rest too!

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Great recommendations, Louie.

Happy to report I've read the vast majority of these titles, but I'm missing Genghis Khan's book!!

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Always love posts about books but especially from people in the area like yourself. Recently a big fan of gut instincts and hadn’t heard of the gut feelings book so just bought and started it. Thanks!

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Arena not area!

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Thank you my friend!

I think Gut Feelings is a very underrated book, I think you’ll enjoy it. Would be nice to catch up after you read it.

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Of course always enjoy chatting with you and it’s been a while since we spoke

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What an incredibly useful post Louie. Thank you for sharing this list.

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This came at the perfect time, I was looking for something new to read. Thanks Louie!

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