Great one, Louie! 👏

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What an amazing episode Louie. Although I don’t agree with all of its tenets I feel stoicism has some great principles for dealing with the ups and downs of life like Memento Mori. Love Ryan Holiday’s books as well. While I had a more sheltered childhood in 2020 a guy who sat across me died in a motorcycle accident at 28. Not a week goes by that I don’t think of him and both how precious and fragile life can be.

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The growing up story in Bronx is what I like😄.. unexpected thing? I know a guy who was in this situation.. we always want to get of of here asap growing up.. tried all possible ways to not get involved in anything.. then one bad day.. when walking out.. there was a fight going on and they thrown hard car lever stuffs so fast to react.. hit him and that’s that. Move on.

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